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status indicator中文是什么意思

用"status indicator"造句"status indicator"怎么读"status indicator" in a sentence


  • 状态指示灯
  • 状态指示器


  • Analysis on the health status indicators in shanghai
  • Display a status indicator in the status notification area of the taskbar
  • Each reservation displayed in the views will have one of these three status indicators on it , as shown in figure 3
  • You can change your on - line status through the drop - down list that appear when you click your current status indicator
  • The geronimo deployer prints the following status indicator upon successful deployment of your first geronimo application
  • The most noticeable change to the r r user interface in notes domino 7 is the addition of new reservation request status indicator icons
    Notes / domino 7中r & r用户界面的最大变化是,增加了新的预订请求状态指示器图标。
  • On - line status indicators appear next to names wherever they are displayed , so you can see at a glance who is available to chat
  • Run the reporting services configuration tool , connect to the report server instance you just installed , and review the status indicator for each setting to verify that it is configured
    运行reporting services配置工具,连接到刚刚安装的报表服务器实例,并检查每个设置的状态指示器以验证该设置是否已配置。
  • Note that if a status indicator appears next to a name in the message list , you can click the name to start a chat with the person if you have also deployed lotus workplace team collaboration
    注意,如果状态指示器出现在消息列表中的姓名旁边,同时您已经部署了lotus workplace team collaboration ,那么可以单击该姓名开始与此人聊天。
  • The shrinking and swelling in plant stem diameter was closely related to the crop water status within plant , the parameters derived from stem diameter measurements were reliable plant water status indicators , which could reflect crop water deficits sensitively , duly and accurately
用"status indicator"造句  
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